Adult ADHD support for MK and surrounding areas


Are you or a loved one navigating the challenges of Adult ADHD? We have set up a free Adult ADHD Support Group in Milton Keynes. The group meets on the first Wednesday of every month.

Who's Welcome? This group is open to individuals with ADHD, whether diagnosed or not. Friends and family who wish to learn more are also welcome.

What to Expect:

  • A supportive community

  • Monthly meetings

  • Shared experiences and strategies

Where: Our next group meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 5th February 2025, at Halley's Comet Pub, Bradville. We'll be there from 6pm - 9pm.
We will need to know how many people we can expect to be coming along, so please get in touch by using the contact form below to confirm if you'll be coming.

Connect with us

A Facebook group has been set up. If you'd like to join it, the link can be found here:

Venue info

Halley's Comet Pub, 101 Bradwell Road, Bradville, Milton Keynes. MK13 7AW.
Local buses: 5 Sapphire, M5 (please check bus websites for more info)

Enter the pub from the front doors on the right (picture 1). As you come in, you'll see an area on the right (picture 2), this area (the 'book shelves') is reserved for the group (picture 3).

Meeting new people and coming to a new location can cause some to feel nervous, but this doesn't have to stop you coming. If you use the contact form below to get in touch with me, I can arrange to meet you outside the pub so that you don't have to walk in on your own. If there's any other steps that can be taken to help you attend, please let me know.

The next MKAASG meet-up

As you can see from the photo below, the December event was a great success. It was great to see so many new faces coming along, along with our ever faithful regulars.

After taking January off, I've recharged my batteries and I'm ready to go again. The February meet-up will be back to the usual style of a laid back social event where you can come and meet others with ADHD.

If you'd like to come along, let me know on the contact form below, or there will be post in the Facebook group that you can leave a message on.



Consultations on changes to budgets for the NHS Right To Choose pathway for ADHD diagnosis and medication are currently taking place without the public being involved. Please click the link below to see how you can protect support for people with ADHD: